02 97 55 73 28 | Contact

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You have chosen your campsite, your accommodation, you have checked our availability, you wish to confirm your bookig in a few clicks. You will be able to do this from our partner site "Secure Holiday", for no extra fee, without any commission.



        You are not decided, you are hesitating, you need an price offer, you cannot find availability for the chosen accommodation? Use our booking form, we will give you an answer within 48 hours (excluding public holidays and weekends) !

Camping de La Plage, 40 bis rue de Kervourden – Plage de Kervilen, 56 470 La Trinité sur Mer - Tel. 02 97 55 73 28

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Création site Internet - Edelweiss Studio / Création graphique - Mon Atelier Coloré