Prices, availabilities, paiement

Here are all the useful details regarding your holiday booking at Camping de la Plage : methods of payment, holiday vouchers, guarantees and deposit ...


Je suis bénéficiaire d'une aide VACAF, comment puis-je procéder à la réservation ?

Vous êtes bénéficiaire de l'aide aux vacances familiales ? Voici comment déroule la réservation jusqu'à sa confirmation.

Est-il possible de payer le solde de la location mobil-home avec des chèques vacances ?

Oui, vous pouvez régler le solde tout comme l'acompte de la location avec des chèques vacances. Voici quelques détails complémentaires.

When I hire a holiday home, will I be required to pay a security deposit ?

Yes, we ask for a 175 € security deposit when you arrive at the campsite either by bank card or by (French) cheque (a cheque for 100 € for the mobile home and 75 € for the cleaning). This deposit will not be cashed and will be returned to you by post or destroyed approximately 48 hours after your departure.

Do you offer a « storage » service ?

You can leave your unoccupied caravan or tent on the campsite except in July and August (for precise dates please contact the reception). This service is free and means you can leave for a weekend if you wish.


Is it possible to hire a pitch on a yearly basis ?

No, we do not offer long-term pitch hire for your mobile home or caravan. We advise you to ask the tourist information center for a list of campsites who offer this service.

Which methods of payment do you accept ?

You can pay for your holiday by bank card, cheque (french), cash (in euros - 200 € and 500 € notes not accepted) and holiday vouchers.

I would like to pay with my bank card from home, do you have a secure payment system ?

Yes, we have a secure payment system with our bank « Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne ». We guarantee a reliable service.

Camping de La Plage, 40 bis rue de Kervourden – Plage de Kervilen, 56 470 La Trinité sur Mer - Tel. 02 97 55 73 28

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