02 97 55 73 28 | Contact

Season uptades at campsite

What's on at La Plage

Season Updates

Dear campers,
We are thrilled to welcome you to a new season at Camping de la Plage!

This year, we are proud to introduce several new features that will make your stay even more enjoyable and environmentally friendly.



Composter Installed

As part of our commitment to the environment, we have installed a composter near shower block 2. In accordance with organic waste recycling standards, you can deposit all your fruit and vegetable scraps, peels, eggshells, coffee grounds (with filter), tea bags (without the cardboard), rice, nuts, etc. Feel free to consult our reception team if you have any questions about the appropriate items to put in the composter.

Aromatic Garden

Right next to the composter, discover our brand-new aromatic garden that will be installed by late May. Add a touch of flavor to your meals and barbecues with thyme, rosemary, dill, and many other fresh herbs. We encourage you to be gentle when picking to preserve our plants and leave enough for other campers.




New Mobile Homes

To continually enhance your experience, we have replaced two mobile homes family with raised decking (164, 165) and renovated four mobile home " Cottage de Bretagne" (44, 45, 90, 50).

We hope these new accommodations will contribute to making your stay even more comfortable and memorable.




We look forward to welcoming you and sharing these new features with you on your next visit to Camping de la Plage.

Book now to enjoy these facilities and have an unforgettable seaside vacation!





See you soon under the sun, 
The Camping de la Plage Team

Camping de La Plage, 40 bis rue de Kervourden – Plage de Kervilen, 56 470 La Trinité sur Mer - Tel. 02 97 55 73 28

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