Museums and eco-museums

Observe animals and insects, have adventures, discover fantastic new worlds...

Observe bats ...Play as great navigators, knights or archaeologists ...

Everything is possible, the choice is yours!

      • poete ferrailleur lizio © saldon joana - CRTB
      • L'univers du poète ferrailleur

        Fantastic machines and contraptions, animated sculptures and unusual objects, strange automatons ... welcome to the world of Robert Coudray! It is a moment of poetry and wonder for the whole family to discover the creations of the scrap metal poet!
        La ville stéphant 56460 Lizio - +33 (0)2 97 74 97 94


        Naïa museum - Museum of arts and of imagination

        A mixture between a museum and an art gallery, Naïa is a place where the fantastic and the legendary are expressed through sculptures, paintings, drawings, photographs or illustrations. Each year, a new scenography presents the works of international artists.
        14, rue du château 56220 Rochefort en terre - +33 (0)2 97 40 12 35


        The Lizio insectarium

        Lizio's insectarium will have you immerse yourself in the fascinating world of insects and other small animals! A unique place to observe a hundred living species of spiders, ants, butterflies, reptiles, stick insects ...
        12, rue du stade 56460 Lizio - +3


        La maison de la chauve-souris 

        The "maison de la chauve-souris" is the only ecomuseum in France devoted to these creatures of the night.

        The interactive exhibitions reveal the unknown secrets of these fascinating creatures and children can join in a guided tour right up to the loft of the house where they can observe the bats.  
        Address: Place de l'église, 56540 Kernascléden. + 33 (0)2 97 28 26 31

        3 (0)2 97 74 94 31

      • musée prehistoire de carnac © R.A. - morbihan tourisme
      • Museum of prehistory in Carnac

        Famous for its megaliths, Carnac exhibits in its museum one of the most important archaeological collections in Europe: ranging from the Paleolithic to the Gallo-Roman period, it consists of more than 6,000 objects found during excavations in the region.

        10, place de la chapelle 56340 Carnac - +33 (0)2 97 52 22 04


        Cité de la voile Eric Tabarly 

        The Cité de la voile Eric Tabarly (Eric Tabarly Sailing World) boasts a new activity « escale enfants » where children aged between 3 and 6 can discover the marine world through sensory play : with a 3D puzzle to build a boat or lighthouse, a game to recognise noises from the marine world, a balance test comprising a course on a trampoline and stumps.  
        Address : Cité de la Voile Éric Tabarly, Keroman submarine base, 56200 Lorient. + 33 (0)2 97 65 56 56.


        Château de Suscinio

        For the first time, visitors of the Château de Suscinio are invited to explore the interior and exterior of this 13th century castle with their family. 

        With the help of binoculars and all sorts of clues, parents and children must work together to reach the end of their adventure. 
        Address: Château de Suscinio, Route du Duc Jean V, 56370 Sarzeau. + 33 (0)2 97 41 91 91. 


        Musée des thoniers

        The Tuna fishing museum tells the maritime tale of Etel, one of the major French fishing ports of the 20th century. The reconstructions, models and objects collected bring back to life the era of seafarers setting off to brave the ocean on sardine and tuna fishing boats.
        3, rue Jean Bart 56410 Etel - +33 (0)2 97 55 26 67

      • Suscinio © Marc Schaffner - CRTB
      • Other activities to test...

Camping de La Plage, 40 bis rue de Kervourden – Plage de Kervilen, 56 470 La Trinité sur Mer - Tel. 02 97 55 73 28

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