Chapels in the Auray region

Détour d'art

Détour d'Art is a cultural event that invites you, every summer, to discover the chapels of the Auray region through free or guided tours, and activities offered by volunteers.

Here are some visits to focus on :

Chapel Sainte Avoye

Jubes of chapel Sainte Avoye - Pluneret

Listed as a Historic Monument, this 16th century chapel is a jewel of the Renaissance.

Nestled in a beautiful hamlet along the Bono River, it has one of the only preserved jubes in Brittany.

Legend has it that Sainte Avoye arrived in the Bono River aboard a boat weighted with a carved stone.

This stone, called the boat of Sainte Avoye, is located at the foot of the rood screen on the left of the chapel.
An old tradition was to sit children on the stone to help them walk ...

La Chartreuse

La Chartreuse Auray

The only Carthusian chapel in Brittany, this exceptional site in Auray, has traveled through History from the 14th century to the present day.

It was built in 1382, following the battle of Auray which opposed Jean de Monfort and Charles de Blois for the Duchy of Brittany.

Its cloister and mausoleum are listed as Historic Monuments. It houses the largest painted cycle in Morbihan.

Chapel Saint Quirin

Chapel Saint Quirin Brec'h © Alexandre Lamoureux

Located in Brec'h, the sanctuary of Saint Quirin is organized around a chapel and a fountain.

It is considered a place of miracles, as evidenced by numerous ex-votos: Saint Quirin was called upon to know if a child would walk.

This 17th century chapel houses one of the most beautiful altarpieces in Morbihan.

Below, is the healing fountain: to heal a child's, its shirt was thrown in the water.

If the shirt floated, the first steps of the child's life would be without any problems ...

Camping de La Plage, 40 bis rue de Kervourden – Plage de Kervilen, 56 470 La Trinité sur Mer - Tel. 02 97 55 73 28

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